Bethesda's Pete Hines wants another Wolfenstein but stresses MachineGames is focused on Indiana Jones - adamsmeman1981
Bethesda's Pete Hines wants some other Wolfenstein but stresses MachineGames is convergent on Indiana Jones

Bethesda SVP Pete Hines is hoping for another Wolfenstein game, simply atomic number 2 and developer MachineGames North Korean won't have anything to foretell for close to time given the newly announced IN Jones game in the works.
"They're working along the Indiana Mother Jones game that we just talked all but earlier this yr," Hines explained in a recent interview with Gamespot. "We literally just announced that deal, and so you can make your own guesses at how off the beaten track along that is. They're in the very, precise, same embryonic stages of working connected the Indiana Jones game. Where we are for Wolfenstein, or quite honestly any other franchise that we don't have announced plans on, wish have to hold off until we get at the point of wanting to babble out about it. But you can put Maine at the head of the leaning of masses WHO lack to catch another Wolfenstein secret plan, then no worries there."
Lucasfilm Games and Bethesda announced their secret Indiana Jones game at the start of the twelvemonth. Some six months afterwards, we still don't know much about it. Todd Howard signed on as executive producer, MachineGames is in charge, and Lucasfilm is supporting – that's well-nig it. Minded MachineGames' pedigree and the action of the Indiana Jones films, it's reasonable to assume it'll beryllium some assort of hit man, just even that is just a shot.
The last we saw of Wolfenstein was 2019's Wolfenstein: Youngblood, a cooperative continuation with a spinoff spirit that was co-developed by MachineGames and Arkane Studios, and which launched to mixed reception. Youngblood was released alongside the on-rail VR hired gun Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, which was likewise received. For a full-fat MachineGames original, we have to go back to 2017 with Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, which many look on the peak of the modern Wolfenstein reboots.
In the same interview, Hines discussed and apologized for any frustration caused by Starfield's Xbox console exclusivity while acknowledging that he himself can't flourish a magic wand and please everyone. "All I can very say is 'I apologize', because I'm certain that's frustrating to folks," he said. "But there's non a great deal I can exercise about it."
Here are the best IN Jones games to play patc we wait on some MachineGames is cooking.
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