How To Clean Up Psp Report
Hey I've been trucking for about 8 months now and I started with swift. After my fourth preventable accident swift terminated me and finding *reputable* employment has been difficult. There is nothing on my DAC but swift sends out a verification form showing that I have 4 preventable accidents (all minor damage btw) but still it has made finding a good company to work for very difficult. During my two month training with swift I was trained by someone who has only had a year and a half of trucking experience and cut a lot of corners (not doing pre trips, prompting me to falsify my backing log, etc.). Is there anything that I can do to get Swift to remove these things from my employment verification given the information I provided? Any legal actions I could take that wouldn't be a waste of my time?
SN: The company I went to orientation for told me to call back in 6 months but that isn't a guarantee so I'd like to do everything in my power to make things easier for me. And yes I still take responsibility for my screw ups and understand that I will have to do some time places I may not want to work but I'd like to minimize said time as much as possible. As of recently I've gone 4 months working without any hiccups and I plan to keep it that way. After working for j mar (bc I never want to work for a company this terrible again) I've been much more careful and GOAL is now my best friend (as it should have been in the first place) and my head stays on a swivel whenever my truck is moving.
Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
Reason for edit: To add more detail -
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Swift doesn't use DAC. They use Driverfacts. You need to get a copy of your report and see exactly what they are saying about you.
What's probably hurting you most is the short time you've been driving.
Bean Jr. and Jay219 Thank this. -
It's definitely the short time. Most places required I had more experience.
Are you stilll with Swift?
Are you working now?
Where is your location; state & nearest city.Lepton1 and Jay219 Thank this. -
No, I was terminated my 4th month and I worked for j-mar for 4 months until I quit and went to orientation for hr after they assigned me a truck my verification came back and they said they couldn't hire me, sucks bc an old timer that had 30+ years of experience told me I wasn't required to tell companies anything that wasn't on my dac. And This just happened so I'm not currently working. I live in Gary, Indiana.
Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
Reason for edit: comprehension is slim around here -
I have to ask, what kind of preventable accidents did you keep having. I have a hard time blaming your trainer, were these accidents while you were still with the trainer or after you went solo?
1. Clipped guardrail at customer, trainer was in front seat
2. Took out fender mirror pulling out of spot at truck stop
3. Took out driver mirror trying to back into angled spot
4. Guy tried to drive around me on the shoulder and ran into my passenger side bumper as I was merging (he was behind trailer before I began to merge into right lane.)
Not blaming the trainer, the last three were on my own and I'm holding myself accountable but I don't believe that these screw ups should determine the rest of my career and I feel I shouldn't have to work for a sleezeball company for a year until I'm considered a reputable driver.
Sorry, nothing you can do to make Swift stop telling them. Minor damage or not it was still damage and it is good you are taking responsibility, but you haven't been at it that long. Time heals all wounds so to say. Plus you had a job with Jmar, left it for Summit. That doesn't look good on you either. With the accidents its twice as bad.
Try Western Express. I dont mean this to be harsh, but they hire almost anyone. Put in a year there and then move on for something better. That is the best advice I can give. Good luck.
While I agree it shouldn't affect the rest of your career, you have to understand thatin a short time you cost a carrier quite a few bucks and showed them that you have the potential to just keep costing them, any other carrier is now looking at the same thing, and you will be considered a very high risk employee. Most big companies work off of quantity, the per truck, per load profit is not a lot, these little mishaps, can put the truck at a loss, and they do not like that. Not to mention that 4 times in that short of a period, tends to get them to thinking that either you don't care, or that you are incapable of improving.
You may well be stuck with whoever will give you a chance for a year or so, and hopefully no more mishaps.
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How To Clean Up Psp Report
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